Tag Archives: EDH

GIHK: Empress Galina – By Sparrowdoge

Look at those seal babies.


I figured I’d start the blog off with one of the less well-known commanders I’ve found during my rambles through the pages and pages on Gatherer (Magic’s online card database) of all the creatures with the subtype ‘legendary.’ I have to say Galina is my favorite ‘under-the-radar’ mono-blue commanders. The other, even less well-known is Rayne, Academy Chancellor because she’s the type of general who creeps up on me when I’m sleeping and whispers, “Build around me, I swear I’m awesome,” into my ear until I build the deck and realize that things like single target removal are less prevalent than I thought they were early on in my EDH career, and that I’m cramming a deck with sub-par creature enchantments so that I can maybe draw… wait for it… more sub-par creature enchantments. I’ll cover Rayne eventually, when I have the time to delve into gatherer and do some research to find a way to make her not… bad. In the meantime, let’s just say I built Rayne and she was awful, but then I found Galina and she warmed my heart.

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